It makes me mad that palm farms are destroying the only natural habitat in which Orangutans are found. It makes me sick that we will have to add yet another animal to the extinct list because we wanted palm oil for our cookies and chocolates, our cosmetics and shampoo. It hurts my heart to think that such a beautiful, intelligent animal is having its home torn down around it because humans needed the farmland.
I think God feels the same way.
It makes me mad that the companies that are genetically modifying our foods are also the companies that make pesticides and pharmaceuticals. It makes me upset that we are in constant search of a cure for cancer while we turn a blind eye to the cause. It makes me sick that Monsanto can genetically alter our corn and soy to resist it's pesticides. It upsets that they are spending millions to try and stop a proposition that would require that these products be labeled as genetically modified. They don't want us to know. Monsanto created Round-Up which it can now spray on its resistant seeds. We consume these pesticides and conveniently enough the company that profits from all these things that cause cancer are the same ones who profit from the treatment of it as well. We are scientifically altering the natural food that God gave us and we are polluting the soil in the process. It makes me upset that we focus more on condemning the sin of others than we do on how we can protect the resources that God has entrusted us with.
I think God feels the same way.
It makes me mad that factory farms exists so that we can have cheap meat. We want to eat more than we should for the least amount of money possible. No matter how you look at it, someone or something pays the cost. Animals pay the cost because they have to live in their own waste, being force-fed corn to make them fat instead of the grasses, bugs or other foods that God intended for them to eat. They eat this corn, void of any nutrition, and it makes them sick. The cheap meat we consume has been kept alive by antibiotics because the animals weren't made to eat corn. We pay the cost because we consume this meat that has been fattened, pumped with antibiotics and killed in its own waste. It makes me so upset to think that we would treat any living creature this way, simply because we want to overeat at a low cost, which is damaging to our health anyway. God provided us food sources, I believe he wants us to respect them, taking just what we need. It makes me sad to think that we can justify horrific practices that are beneficial to no one in the end, just because we can.
I think God feels the same way.
Once you know something, you can't unlearn it. It's there, in your mind, and you have a choice. You can choose to ignore it, push it aside, deem it of no value. Or, finding it to be true, you can make a change. I have had to do the latter. Knowing what I know and seeing what I've seen, I cannot help but change. My heart becomes so discouraged when I see people that don't know what is going on, and worse, those who don't care. But then I remember that I made a change. I read an article, I watched a documentary, I listened to a professor. Each time wondering a little more about the way I was living and what I was doing. I've done the research and I've changed my thinking. So I can have hope. I hope that something I say or something I write might change one person's mind, open one person's eyes. Maybe they'll be interested just enough to look a little further. And maybe that person can share the truth and eventually change the mind of another. That's how change happens. One person at a time. It makes me excited to think that I could help turn this around. My soul smiles every time I meet someone that feels the same way that I do and I realize that I'm not alone. There are others out there who recognize the responsibility we have been given. I think it's time that we truly look at how we live and decide to forgo what is easy and what is cheap to stand up for what is good and what is right. And I truly think that God feels the same way.
I believe it and I feel the exact same way.