
Wedding Colors

So this will be the color/texture pallet for me in the wedding. Indigo linen suiting and ivory leather shoes anyone? Laura's colors will be similar, don't know if she will have any green though. Throw in some grey and brown/camel for the wedding party and we are all set.

Oh and I heard back from the lady at Berry, we should have an answer about the House O' Dreams by the week of September 26th. Cross your fingers for us.


Welcome to a little of T & L.

Welcome dear friends and family. Laura and I wanted to share a little more of us and our lives with everyone we care about and of course anyone else who cares to know. Unfortunately family of ours, and friends alike, are spread out everywhere (Texas, Colorado, Virginia, Honduras, Georgia, Florida, Kenya, etcetera) now-a-days and we don't get to do live together near as much as we would like too. Thus, we decided to make a blog about our lives in the Big "O". In hopes that when our moms say
"you never call...",
and "you don't tell me anything...",
we can rebuttal with "but you can read our blog now."

But for real though, we thought it would be fun to do and we thought some people could enjoy it with us.

Oh and I wrote this while Laura was in bed. You will quickly find out she is the better writer and tends to have a lot less typo's than me. Needless to say when she finds out I posted the first entry without telling her/not letting her read it first I will probably get a stern, but loving all the same, look from Miss Walker.

We look forward to sharing more with you all. Hope you enjoy the stories, recipes, and all the other nonsense that will probably find its way on here.